Promoting Social Change through Coordination and Collaboration
NATN offers specialized presentations, training, and in-service consultation to any community organization or group interested in learning about domestic violence, sexual assault and addiction. Additionally, NATN will help to develop effective intervention strategies and establish both short and long term training plans for agencies and institutions.
Training and technical assistance is provided through NATN’s LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL NETWORK of staff, advocates, professionals, and survivors involved in VOICES. VOICES is a project of NATN for women who have been affected by domestic violence and/or sexual assault and want to share their personal story of survival to help end abuse in the community. Average trainings are facilitated by staff with an excess of 10 years of experience in the fields of domestic violence, sexual assault, substance abuse, and related topics.
Training & Technical Assistance Menu
- Advanced Advocacy
- Assessing Lethality
- Advocacy For Battered Women In Prison
- Batterers Intervention Programs
- Community Based Legal Advocacy
- Community Policing
- Community Re-Entry For Women
- Coordinated Community Response To Domestic Violence
- Culturally Appropriate Programs
- Developing Court Based Advocacy For Victims Of Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence 101
- Domestic Violence Courts
- Domestic Violence & Substance Abuse
- Domestic Violence And Mental Health Interventions
- Domestic Violence And Substance Abuse
- Education For Children Of Addicted Parents (6 Week Group Or Presentation)
- Effective Interventions In Domestic Violence & Child Maltreatment
- Identifying Victims Of Domestic Violence In Healthcare Settings
- Interviewing Victims Of Domestic Violence In Legal & Medical Settings
- Interventions For Domestic Violence & Child Protective Services
- Interventions In Rural Communities
- Mentor Training
- The Role Of Probation/Courts/Prosecutors/Law Enforcement
- Sex Trafficking and Abuse: The Invisible Victims
- Shelter Program: Developing and Starting a Grassroots Program
- Substance Abuse, Mental Health & Domestic Violence
- Support Groups: Facilitating and Maintaining Support for Survivors
- Supportive Education For Children Of Addicted Parents
- Survivor Panels
- Systems Advocacy
- Teen Dating Violence
- Train The Trainers: Journaling Workshop Series
- Train The Trainers: Domestic Violence Advocacy
- Visitation Programs
- Workplace Violence Series
- Other Trainings available upon request
Reserve Training Today!
Advocates, professionals, and survivors are available to deliver trainings, workshops, and keynote addresses.